Arts and Wellbeing Festival. The start of ‘Shift’
While at art college on an art foundation, Robin began creating art with her body, capturing movement in a large installation piece titled Shift. This is where the name ‘Shift Movement’ originated, as at the time her yoga business was called ‘Bliss by Robin.’
Through this piece, Robin wanted to explore how movement affects us, not just physically but also mentally and emotionally. She aimed to capture the tangible shift in headspace and outlook that people experience before and after a yoga class.
Initially exhibited at her college end-of-year show, Shift led to her first solo exhibition at The Painswick Gallery. This opportunity opened doors for further exhibitions, including one at the iconic Gloucester Cathedral, known for its appearance in Harry Potter. Later, St Laurence Church, a center for peace and arts, offered Robin the chance to showcase her work for a week. She turned the exhibition into a week-long festival, collaborating with over 30 local freelancers to offer a diverse range of creative and wellbeing workshops and classes for the public. The church, beautifully lit, served as the perfect backdrop for the exhibition.
Robin also invited five local schools to participate, with a different primary school visiting each weekday for a full day of yoga and art. On weekends, the festival featured live music and performances in front of the exhibition, creating a vibrant community event.
Robin with her charcoal and drafting paper body prints capturing movement in ‘Shift’ exhibition
Robins art pieces made using her body and movement with acrylic paint and perspex.
"It's art that makes us. Through seeing it and participating in it in some ways, we become more fully ourselves." - Anthony Gormely