Meet James
Summary of yoga background:
Became a Shift Ambassador in 2024. Previous experience as a LSA in primary schools, an instructor in a post 16 additional needs college, worked for an active health charity encouraging behaviour change in primary and secondary school children and various mentoring roles with teenagers.
James’s Story:
I was a bit of a fitness freak growing up and heavily involved in competitive sport especially hockey. I came to yoga in my mid 20s as a way of trying to overcome various sporting injuries. Even though I hadn’t realised it, I had been practicing a lot of yoga stretches prescribed by various sports physios and osteopaths, so many of the poses felt familiar to me. The real difference that practicing yoga made to me was that it started a new way of relating to my body, rather than pushing through discomfort I began to listen to the signals that my body was sending me and it opened up a two way conversation between body and mind. Over time I slowly became fascinating by the benefits of breathwork and mindfulness in promoting physical and mental health and this journey very much continues today!
Yoga Strengths:
I love helping people - young and old - reconnect with their bodies and I like to view this as a joyful act of celebration. So whether this is through yoga, dance or Qi Gong I try to teach with a fun and playful touch. I’m a little bit of a rule breaker so I really enjoy incorporating a wide range of wellbeing techniques into my sessions rather than feeling confined by one practice.
Interesting Facts:
Along with my own wellbeing routines I have a range of interests that keep me feeling alive and grateful - making music, creating art, cycling, being in water and nature and on a cold winter’s afternoon watching an uplifting film in front of a crackling fire with my family and dog. I’m also heavily involved in men’s work and coaching which feels both energising and a honour to guide people towards a more vibrant life.
Why are you passionate about being on the Shift Team?
Ever since meeting Robin it’s been a real pleasure getting to know her and witness the amazing work the whole team does. I completely share the same ethos and objectives they are focusing on and I’ve seen firsthand the impact they are having on the young people they work with and also the people they train. I’m passionate about opening up a route for more boys to benefit from yoga.