Meet Jodie
Summary of yoga background:
250hr yoga training.
Community & corporate fundraising experience for youth charity ‘1625ip’ helping young people reboot their lives. Watersport Instructor experience for PGL with secondary schools. I recently moved to Cornwall so help Shift online
Jodie’s Story:
My role is Community and Engagement Officer at Bristol Animal Rescue Centre. I love my job! I am also a Shift coach. I take groups and help them to complete their training and become a wellbeing ambassador!
Yoga Strengths
I much prefer to go to classes than to practise on my own. I go to around 4/5 classes a week (this is a mix of yoga and pilates.) However I practise the wider teachings of yoga everyday such as mindful walking and body and mind awareness.
Interesting Facts:
We found my beautiful pooch, Alba, on the streets of Sri Lanka and got her back to the UK. What a journey!
Why are you passionate about being on the Shift Team?
I am so lucky and fortunate to be a part of this brilliant organisation. Robin has brought to life such an important and groundbreaking course which I know will help a lot of teachers and their students. Life can be really hard as we all know and this 50 hour course gives you a real tool kit to be able to feel ‘well’ and to be able to share this with your students.